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A blog dedicated to finding the good, the bad, and the ugly of television commercials.

Monday, December 10, 2012

Taco Bell shows us how to use Twitter...

Hello again,

Today I would like to bring to attention the brilliant advertising minds at Taco Bell, who have found a way to get past all the noise on social media and build their brand image through humor. Taco Bell is the world's biggest Mexican fast food chain, and one of the most recognized brand's among fast food competitors. So while raising awareness would be nice, Taco Bell has found a way to comedic use Social Media (especially Twitter) to get people turning their tweets viral. While other companies continue to push their tweets and promotions onto consumers, Taco Bell simply creates funny tweets and then lets the Social Media universe handle the rest. By really listening to consumers Taco Bell has been able to crank out some of the funniest tweets I have ever seen, and content that continues live on by being passed around from one consumer to another.

Below are some of the best examples I have seen:  

In closing, Taco Bell knows how Social Media and they know they personality of their brand. This kind of advertising would not work for every brand, but it works for Taco Bell and they are very good at it. By using Social Media companies can communicate with consumers in an instant, and it can be used however your company sees fit. Taco Bell decided to use it to add to the legend of the brand, and I believe it has paid off.

Until Next Time,





Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Speaker Prep (Earl Cox)

Hello again,

Today I would like to discuss an individual that was scheduled to talk with our class but unfortunately we never had a chance to meet him. His name is Earl Cox and he is currently the Partner and Chief Strategy Officer at the Martin Agency in Richmond, Virginia. He is a graduate of  both Virginia Tech and University of Virginia.

The Martin Agency was founded in 1965 as a small advertising agency. Now it has grown to be one of the biggest advertising firms in the country. In 2010, Martin Agency was named Advertising Age's "US Agency of the Year". Below I have a few questions I have liked to ask Mr. Cox:

1.       Strategic issue the company/brand is currently facing: How do you attempt to gain new clients in similar industries without conflicting with existing clients? EX: Bringing in a new food client, while you currently work with Kraft Foods

2.       Current consumer/customer perceptions of the company/brand: An Award Winning Agency that is capable of managing both a successful big budget or smaller budget advertising campaign.

3.       Specific, current event question based on the insights you discover: How much can you tell us about the upcoming Oreo Superbowl campaign? Is there something special you hope to accomplish with this advertising campaign.

So even though I was unable to meet Mr. Cox I was still happy to learn about his success and the
success of The Martin Agency. I hope you enjoyed it also.

Until Next Time,

Andrew Haug



