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A blog dedicated to finding the good, the bad, and the ugly of television commercials.

Monday, November 5, 2012

Cuties (Made for All?)

Hello World,

Today I would like to examine the produce brand Cutie's and their attempts at bringing the brand into every home in America.

Background: Cuties is the name of a company that sells seed-less clementines marketed to children as a healthy snack alternative. Although Cuties has been successful, they now face many problems including other competition, consumer perceptions, and advertising to the right target market. These all sound like different problems, but with the right creative brief working off consumer's real insights these will all be solved with one successful advertising campaign. 


Consumer Insights:
1) Not everyone is set on purchasing a seed-less scientifically modified fruit

2) Cuite's brand name does not hold as much value as the company believes it does
3) Consumers complain about one rotten clementine spoiling the whole batch and Cutie's brand in general

Target Audience:
Cuties is
 marketed to children and parents of children as easy to peel, but leaves out everyone else

Cutie's is a great product but currently it holds no more power than the other clementine brands. Children have no preference yet, and parents are not set on purchasing Cutie's. We must convince parents that Cutie's have an emotional connection and need to be part of their children's everyday life.

My Recommendation:
Expand Cutie's advertising to show children of all ages, engaging in all their activities they are passionate about while eating Cutie's. Show the parents cheering on their children as they know the children are receiving the energy they need from a healthy snack you can eat on the go


By using this kind of advertising you now open the market to children of all ages rather than just small kids. Also we must show Cutie's being a partner with the consumer, helping you achieve your goals in life. We must make it feel as if Cutie's were removed from the picture the children would not feel as confident. This is the emotional element Cutie's needs to add to differentiate itself from other clementine companies.

Thanks for listening,




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