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A blog dedicated to finding the good, the bad, and the ugly of television commercials.

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Dr. Pepper 10 The Man's Drink

Hello Everyone,

Today I thought I would look into a controversial advertising campaign that continues to go strong almost a year after its creation. The product is Dr. Pepper Ten, a diet soda marketing to exclusively to men. In fact it is marketed so much to men that its tagline for the product is "Dr. Pepper Ten  - Not for Women".  Although this has been done in the past by Coke Zero and Pepsi One, they never changed the perception of the consumer on diet soda and eventually failed to attract the amount of consumers desired.

At first you may say this is a bad ad because it immediately eliminates women, 50% of the World's population. However as we talk about in my advertising class, to successfully position a product in a consumers mind you must also deposition from the normal consumers thought process. In this case, Dr. Pepper is attacking the norm that diet sodas are strictly for women. Then by using the can design and emphasizing that it does have calories and taste, the brand tries to reach out to appeal to men seeking a low-calorie soda.

Below I have listed some of the brilliance of the campaign:

1) Recognized a need for a diet soda that appeals to men - Similar to five gum which realized teenagers were no longer purchasing gum. So they created a brand that made gum chewing an experience.

2) Used Perceptions of Diet Drinks for Women to Create Shock Factor - Right away you realize this is not for women, offended or not it forces you to read the rest of the print to learn more.

3) New can design - Simple, strong, masculine colors. Looks similar to the colors used for the Axe body wash campaign. Red, Gray, and Black

By using these three insights Dr. Pepper already had an advantage on the competition. Now nearly a year later Dr. Pepper Ten sales continue to grow, and just goes to show you that sometimes these advertisers know what they are doing.

Until next time,

Andrew Haug

Sources: http://usatoday30.usatoday.com/money/industries/food/story/2011-10-10/dr-pepper-for-men/50717788/1

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