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A blog dedicated to finding the good, the bad, and the ugly of television commercials.

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Less is More. Bars of Soap?

Hello again,

It was today in my class that we discussed how far body wash has come in the last 5 years and how it has replaced soap in many households across America. So does this mean that soap will one day disappear from the hygiene isle?

Of course not...in fact soap sales have actually increased from 1.1 billion in 2010 to 1.2 billion dollars in 2011. But why is this? What has Soap done?

In fact soap has done something brilliant, by reminding everyone why soap is so great in the first place. Rather than stressing the benefits like a body wash company might portray soap companies have decided to remind consumers about their experiences with bar soap and now offering fragrances similar to those in your body wash. Soap was trying to stress the new fragrances before body wash ever came out, but its almost like the consumer forgot. In a way consumer's have hit the "turning point" and decided to make bar soap trendy again.

Many might believe that the increase in sales my be due to the economy and bar soap being much cheaper than body wash. That is not true either, because the greatest increase in sales is hand-made or specialty bar soaps. Leaving us to believe that for whatever reason America is turning back to the bar of soap, and putting down their "poufs".

When dealing with a commodity, anytime you can create an experience or connection with the consumer is essential. I believe soap has done this, whether on purpose or not consumers are remembering how much they enjoy soap and looking to get back that experience they have lost with the body wash. I believe it is safe to say that although soap did not do some crazy advertising campaign it is on a comeback and will continue to be in our hygiene isle for years to come.

Thanks for reading,

Andrew Haug





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