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Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Publicis (The Brand Managers)

Hello World,

Today I would like to take a minute to look into Publicis which is an international ad agency based in Europe. It does work all over the World, and is a major ad agency here in America working for such clients as Proctor & Gamble, Aflac, Wendys and Citibank. In my advertising class we were lucky enough to meet a gentleman named Chris Shumaker and he spoke about the process he conducts when creating a creative brief for a client. Some of the major points I pulled from his presentation are listed below:

Make an Emotional Connection: This is one of the most important factors when advertising, sometimes even when a company's sales are growing they still lack an emotional connection. By not having an emotional connection a company is vulnerable to competition taking away market share. Chris shared with us his experience with a Crest campaign. The problem was that consumers did not think about how important oral hygiene was in there everyday life. By presenting this as the problem to the creative team, they designed a whole campaign around "Your mouth is your portal to the World". This immediately made the product more relevant and put Crest into the consumer's mind when shopping for toothpaste.

Focus on Positive, Not Negative: Publicis does an amazing job on showing exciting events in your life rather than depressing times. Chris shared with us the advertising to change the way consumers viewed the brand of Bounty. Rather than viewing Bounty as the traditional "fix to the problem", they reinvented as "life happens and Bounty is there to help when it does". By changing the consumer's thinking process, they will now think of Bounty in a Positive light and become much more likely to gain an emotional attachment with it.

Show the Product in all Aspects of Life: This is another aspect of advertising that Publicis excels at. Rather than just showing one or two scenarios of a product, show how people will use it in any aspect of life. Publicis has done with this with the brand of Vicks, which is traditionally only thought of for the vapor rub. However, Vicks has a whole line of product that help breathing and recovering from the common cold. By launching a campaign that showed people going out into the World with the assistance of Vicks products they changed the consumers thoughts that Vicks should just be used in their bathrooms.


By using these three insights Publicis has reinvented many major brands and I am sure they will continue to succeed in the future. With great people working for them like Chris, I am sure that this company will not be going away anytime soon and I look forward to seeing their ad campaigns in the future.

Thanks again,


*The three insights and everything stated above is all my opinions and thoughts. In no way are these the views or formula for Publicis when creating ads.*



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